New arrival at Sea Independent, s/y Felci 61 “HÄGAR II“

New arrival at Sea Independent

Hägar the Viking, fearsome and generous at the same time, gave his name to the
second FY61 built by Yacht 2000 for an experienced owner.

In addition of using her for sailing with his family, he maintained the fighting spirit of

their hero Hägar , by investing into a lot of “speed goodies”. This leads to an easily

driven, fast performance yacht in racing mode, without compromising the cruising

abilities. You may call Hägar the perfect Cruiser – Racer in her size on the market.

Versatility at its best.

TOP RESULTS: 2° PLACE cat. IRC G1 to the ROMA X TUTTI 2010, WINNER of the TARGA FLORIO 2009, WINNER Corsica per Due 2008 (Record Holder), 2013 CAPRI Racing Week Winner MINI MAXI Class.

Cruise or Race, Häger II has the two souls. An ideal yacht for you?

Asking EUR 720.000 Vat paid

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