Sea Independent exclusive agent for Tenderline Gentleman 34

Sea Independent exclusive agent for Tenderline Gentleman 34

Press release by Tenderline.

Tenderline closes world class deal

(World conqueror) Yvo Schotman, owner of the aluminium boat brand Tenderline, has closed a world class deal. Tenderline yachts are now being offered internationally by 32 agents.

In the past three years, the young boat builder sold 40 aluminium boats in the up to 8-metre length category. It became clear that its ambition went beyond this when, last summer, Tenderline launched the Gentleman 34, a 10-metre high-speed yacht, in the top category. This luxury aluminium yacht is equipped with all the latest gadgets.

The construction of this yacht was an enormous task, which made the boat builder realize it entailed much more than the smaller model. Its introduction in the Netherlands was very successful and it was praised in the press. Yet, it left Ivo Schotman with an uncomfortable feeling. After all, how do you sell this type of yacht?

Then the search for a suitable partner began. The name Marcel Borgmann of the company Sea Independent soon showed up in various places. This international yacht broker organization, which operates from its head office in the Netherlands, has 32 agents that sell Sea Independent’s offers worldwide.

Sea Independent is more than just a yacht broker; it was the complete process from scouting for potential buyers to assisting in the sale that clinched it for Ivo Schotman. The Tenderline slogan, “Sailing without worries” had to apply to a potential brokering party too.

In addition to Tenderline’s entrusting the sale of its yachts to Sea Independent, the collaboration functions as a sounding board for what is going on in the market. Brainstorming sessions about a 13- and a 16- metre yacht are already in progress. In short, there is no lack of ambition at Tenderline.



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