Sold s/y S&S Ketch Yankee “Anna Marie“

Sold s/y S&S Ketch Yankee “Anna Marie“

Sister ship of the famous "Yankee" by Irving and Electa Johnson (Books "Yankee sails the Nile", "Yankee sails across Europe", National Geographic Magazine).

"Anna Marie" is designed by Sparkman and Stephens and was built in the known shipyard Por-sius in Zaandam / Netherlands 1975 as a steel ketch.

Since their construction, it is owned by an owner family- with home port in northern Germany. Anna Marie has been sailed year after year in the North- and Baltic Sea. She is continuously maintained, updated and in a good state of use.

The steel construction in stainless steel and the wood–expansion quality is exceptionally good.

All fittings, materials and equipment are oversized and were built for eternity.

With two independent swords she can be well trimmed under sail and the depth can be reduced to 1.25m. The drying up in the wadden area and the phasing in flat areas is no problem. As an extremly stable boat Anna Marie can be driven the next 100 miles either with two or with eight people.


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